Clean and press
110 x 20, 10, 10
Lat pulldowns
10, 5
Drop-down to lat pulldowns again x 10
SSB squats
10, 10, 10
Push-ups x 35
1 hill sprint
Those clean and presses kinda kicked my ass once the short rest times started adding up. I ate like a powerlifter beforehand and that was a mistake before a circuit type session like this. Basically had to cut sprinting short so I wouldn't throw up and also in anticipation of staying up late with my friends. I'm definitely going to do something like this at least once a week to compliment my heavy lifting. Anytime I find a way to make myself out of breath within a matter of minutes is a gift to focus on and I honestly feel out of my element pushing some resistance while gasping for air. I also feel emotionally better not spending 2 hours training because I'm addicted to nailing some coveted top-set.
Got a lot of food for tonight and protein supplements. After today's stressful work day I'm ready to unwind and then get back to the...ugh, "grind".