Friday, January 25, 2019

Sparring was rough tonight. Legs didn't cramp but felt like lead and I wasn't moving as effectively as I needed to. Ate a lot of shots. Gave them back, too. Basically turned into brawl. One guy was extra aggressive and kept clinching so I kept throwing him off, prompting the coach to tell him to cut it out because I'm bigger than him. Shed blood too. Superficial wound, cut to the bridge of the nose. Bled on the mats though. It was fun. I like rough-housing. But dammit, I really want sparring partners who go light enough that we can relax and focus on drilling technique instead of aiming to cause damage. I'm not saying all the time, either! Just some of it, or even a lot of it. Just MY preference; I could be totally off the mark in the realm of effective development.

No leg pain in the match but getting out of my car once I got home had me limping. I didn't even get kicked in the legs this time (everyone was just throwing bombs up top). It's from squats, running, and then sparring.

Despite this, went on a 10-minute jog when I got home, and a 10-minute walk after dinner. Very productive Friday night.
Last night did 9 minutes total of shadowboxing and kicking, then went on a 10-minute jog. Being done on the same day as squats caused my legs to cramp at the end.

Woke up today and went on a fasted jog of about 25 minutes after taking a little bit of protein. Legs are feeling sore but nothing crazy. Hoping I don't cramp during sparring.