Sunday, December 30, 2018

Box squatted up to 330x5 for 2 sets and then 350x5. Moved on to benching 265x3x5. Whole body was sore so the bench press was tough and after the first set I intended to move down, but decided to try and tackle the same weight and the next two sets came easier.

Whew, my body hurts, but in a good way. Feel like I've paid my dues to merit the next days off. Will do cardio tonight.
Squatted 425x5 on Thursday. Failed to strict press 182x5; only got 3. Going to do more push pressing.

Have been doing Muay Thai practice on my own as well as plenty of running. I have also lifted for 4 days straight because I'm going to be up late on New year's Eve and have to work early the next day. Want an earned day of rest with plenty of work behind me.

Stayed in on Saturday to watch UFC.