Wednesday, December 22, 2021

It's been a week with the kitten and my sleep hasn't really suffered considering he sleeps with me half the night. I've woken up a few times from him climbing on me but he's pretty behaved about learning when the giant bipedal furless cat is asleep and won't be getting up (very different from a dog's needs). 

Have significantly reduced my edible consumption in order to not be tired just in case. Very easy sacrifice. 

More than once I've put off training to tend to him or just catch up on chores, and since I'm not losing weight I think it's only benefitted my strength. Boxing and Muay Thai training at home have been greatly reduced lately although I've gotten some shadowboxing sessions in, will greatly increase that. I've gotten sidetracked about going to the gym and need to work that out, too.

Bench press
245 x 3
275 x 3
310 x 3
245 x 8
225 x 10, 10, 10, 7
Super-set with dumbbell rows (starting from 310 bench)
100 x 8
115s x 8, 10, 10, 10
125 x 10

Y-rowa, preacher curls, band pressdowns

The weight feels pretty heavy but when it comes to the money set I'm seeing steady improvements. 
Squatted 445x3 yesterday. Was planning on doing the rest after work but had company over to help with the kitten and didn't get to it. I did have the time but it was a rare moment of putting off training entirely. My plan is to do upper body today and then return back and make use of the SSB and get in some squat volume.