Felt lousy waking up today. Kept waking up in my sleep and had stomach issues. Thought about skipping my fasted workout, which usually prompts me to do it even more.
5 minutes at level 4 on the exercise bike
40 burpees
5 minutes shadow kickboxing
1 minute of hook duck hook drill
2 minutes at level 5 burning out on the exercise bike
Unfortunately I forgot the time that I started so I don't have a precise runtime. Somewhere around 15 minutes.
Seriously surprised at how easy burpees become just from doing them. Used to feel tired at 20.
The hook drill is something I got from Instagram. It's real simple, left hook, duck, right hook, repeat nonstop. I think I explained it before in a post recently now that I remember. But yeah, really liking Instagram for boxing tips.
Feeling way better after working out and getting breakfast (2 eggs, some cartoned egg whites, smoked salmon, strawberries, two mini Kodiak protein pancakes drizzled with maple syrup, a latte, and about half a scoop of whey protein).