Sunday, January 28, 2024

Bench press
315 x 1
335 x 1
350 x 1
355 x 1
315 x 4
285 x 6
275 x 7
245 x 8
225 x 8
* Last 3 sets were close-grip. Was expecting to feel a lot weaker than this given my weight loss and extra calisthenics from boxing the day before yesterday, but after a hideously dirty cheat day yesterday that involved Costco pizza, gourmet hot dog from the mall, and an eight bucket chicken meal from KFC, I was feeling bloated and strong today. Definitely could have gone past 355 if I came at it fresh but after getting pinned recently, I was going up fairly carefully. None of the singles were a grind.

Reverse hyper unilateral rows: 3 plates x 3 x 10
Super-set with wide chin-ups x 8

Dumbbell rows: 125 x 3 x 10
Super-set with wide chin-ups x 8-10

Various dumbbell curls drop-sets, heavy band pressdowns
* I'm still using this ultra thick powerlifting band from a brand called Iron Woody that I got around 2007. Its twin ripped well over a decade ago. Definitely weeded out the weak.