Despite being dead tired yesterday evening and running on little sleep I felt supercharged after taking an edible by the evening and went on a 10-minute jog, then 2 minutes of shadow kickboxing, and then ended by swimming laps. Also made time to do some yoga before bed.
This morning I woke-up and hit 50 burpees before work. Ran out of milk for the weightgainer but it's just as well. I've been bloated and gassy from it. It absolutely works for its intended purpose but a break is welcome. I packed two mega sandwiches I made with grass-fed steak and avocado, a tupperware packed with rotisserie chicken from Costco seasoned with a sweet heat spice rub, and 2 protein bars. Feeling full at work right now but with less GI issues.
Power bench day tomorrow. Deep Water...soon.