Saturday, January 6, 2024

Bench press 
370 x 1
375 x 1
315 x 5
285 x 8

Kroc rows
125 x 30

Lateral raises: 15 kettlebells x 20
Super-set with band pull-aparts: 20

The bar felt so light today it caught me off-guard. I've benched 380 in my past but it was a much harder rep and then I went on to fail 385. I would LOVE to beat that before I truly focus on boxing and end up losing weight because I just received an email that the boxing gym I'm on a wait list for has openings and I have to go in to meet them and sign-up next week if I don't want to get in the back of the line again.
I had time to do more this session, but separating out the heavy power portion of my workout with the more hypertrophy-focused incline bench work last week seemed to work so well that I'm going to keep trying that out. That has me lifting more frequently but via shorter sessions.