Since I stuffed in 3 hard days of training before the weekend I took 2 days of rest and living life. Body was sore all over. Went to the beach on Canada Day for July 1st and feasted on homemade grass-fed steak sandwiches and a weightgainer. I was so full from this that I drank a little bit of vodka and then just quit. Totally futile. I had so much food in me it'd be too much work and take too many hours of waiting to digest to even feel buzzed.
Woke-up today and hit 50 push-ups before a work meeting. Once again, I downed my leftover weightgainer shake in the morning and then was too full to bother with the donuts at the meeting. Just have zero desire for sweets when I'm constantly full, the opposite of when I cut weight and sweet cravings hit me hard.
Looking a lot bigger and fuller than when I was sick. Just like I lost weight quickly during those 2 weeks, I rebounded FAST.