On Tuesday and Thursday, the days I didn't lift, I've been early and then coming home to do a 10-minute shadowkickboxing round, followed by a 30-minute run afterwards, Yesterday also included 3 hill-sprints preceding the steady-state run. Also been doing more static stretching.
In other news, my left shoulder bone continues to bother me while my vertebrae that's been aching since May has gotten a little better. Band pressing seems to aggravate the shoulder more, and of course low-bar squatting puts me in pain. I don't have a real solid solution right now. I'm continuing to squat and get stronger. It doesn't seem to be getting worse but it's also not any better, either. It also hurts when I stand up after I've been sleeping, so I'll experiment with ways that minimize pressure when on my back and avoid sleeping on my left side entirely.