This morning at work a driver dropped off a trailer and had trouble parking it straight so I told him it's fine and did it myself by deadlifting it into position.
Despite being a decent back workout with all the positioning, the general state of my back is now healthy enough that I was able to handle today's clean and deadlift workout when I got home.
145 x 5
170 x 0, 0, 5
190 x 5
375 x 5
435 x 0, 5
485 x 5
Bodyweight x 10
50x 10, 10
65 x 10, 10
Super-set with wide pull-ups
5 x 10
Leg curls
290 x 5 x 10
Super-set with seated curls
35s x 10, 10
15s x 10, 10
35s x 10
A couple of false sputtered rep attempts on the cleans (didn't lean back enough to catch the weight) and deadlifts (gunshy about my back so I put on a belt). Missing a rep of 435 had me chuckling and shaking my head as I walked away because I knew I was going to destroy 485 in a few minutes with room to spare.