Thursday, September 29, 2016


Strict press
115 x 5
135 x 5
160 x 5

135 x 8, 8, 8,10

Neutral-grip pull-ups

Lying dumbbell rows
115s x 10, 12, 12, 12

Decline pushups

Keg curls
160 x 15

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Mat pulls (7)
550 x 9
Big difference from last week, when I got 0. I was shocked at how light this felt by contrast. 1 rest pause to get the 9th.

SSB squats
240 x 15, 15, 15

Monday, September 26, 2016

Bench press
280 x 5
320 x 3
355 x 1

225 x 10, 10, 10, 10

15, 15
45 x 10
90 x 9, 9

Strict press
135 x 10


Friday, September 23, 2016

Fasted walk in the morning yesterday for about 80 minutes and then 3 rounds on the punching bag after work.

385 x 5
440 x 3
490 x 1
Felt better this week but not as strong as I would be if I hadn't been on my feet so much. Again, my legs will just have to get used to it. I'm definitely feeling the effects of a slimmer physique, too. Weight feels very hard to balance. Squat walkouts will help with this. Despite my plans to move I think I'm just going to go ahead and buy a yoke. I really want one and I haven't given up on my home gym.

325 x 9, 9, 10

Leg curls, planks, reverse crunches

10 minute jog (which I've been doing after every session)

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Feeling much better. Did hill sprints and a jog yesterday, plus a Pokemon Go walk afterwards.

Strict press
205 x 5
227.5 x 0
255 x 0, 0
Whoa, I have no lockout strength anymore. The weight is all light as hell off the chest and then gets completely stuck midway up (higher than when I normally fail a press). Push press next cycle for sure. Still want to minimize strict press when possible for my shoulder.

Landmine press
90 x 10
100 x 10
105 x 10
115 x 10
That's two 45s and a 25. I thought 90 was challenging enough before but it doesn't feel like much of a difference. I think it's all in my head. I will keep going higher with this.


Lying dumbbell rows
125s x 10, 10, 12, 12

Various push-ups and curls

Monday, September 19, 2016

Mat pulls (7)
550 ☓ 0, 0
Feeling more sick. Didn't have the energy to even move the bar.

SSB squats
240 ☓ 3 x 15

I moved 500 for 2 times in a hazy stupor, that'll have to do tonight.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Bench press
265 x 3
300 x 3
340 x 1, 1
Hit the rack on the second rep and floundered trying to move out of the way before getting tired and failing. Only managed another single on a repeat attempt.

Bench press
225 x 10, 10, 10, 10

12, 12, 12
45 x 10, 10, 11

Arnold press
50s x 10


Feeling a little sick.
365 x 3
410 x 3
465 x 1
Everything felt super heavy. Maybe I was just being a pussy, though. I'm going to get safety bars so I can squat full effort without worrying about dropping the bar on the patio. I think I'm going to switch back to the SSB too. Just feels better on my shoulders.

325 x 8, 8

Called it here. Had a birthday party to make and I was feeling tired.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Strict press
190 x 3
215 x 3
242.5 x 1, 2
Good for a "bad" day. Lift has been stagnant for over a month but that isn't REALLY bad to maintain this level while losing weight. Going to commit to push-pressing next cycle. I considered doing Wendler's last rep first idea but my right shoulder is gonna need a break from heavy strict pressing.

Landmine press
45+45 x 10, 10, 10, 10
New exercises always feel mentally refreshing after a failed max effort. Left arm is definitely weaker than right.

Lying dumbbell rows
125s x 9, 10, 10, 12, 12

Dumbbell skullcrushers
50s x 10

Dumbbell flyes
50s x until I felt tired

Various curls

Tried crossover curls because they're trendy and I saw both Muscle & Fitness and T-Nation recommend them. Fun angle. Did a 50 lb dumbbell for 8 squeezed reps each arm.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Mat pulls (7)
550 ☓ 9
Couldn't move the bar for a 10th even after a rest pause, but the 9 were pretty much straight through. I waited a few seconds before the last rep but no resting on my knees.

SSB squats
240 ☓ 3 ☓ 15

Planks, reverse crunches

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Awesome cheat day yesterday. Breakfast was normal except for extra oatmeal, then pizza and ice cream for lunch and lunch #2, then a lamb burger and fries in downtown SF, then ramen and a protein shake before bed.

Thought about post-poning this because I woke up after only 5 ½ hours of sleep but I felt fine and alert so I went ahead.

Bench press
245 ☓ 5
280 ☓ 5
320 ☓ 5 (PR)

225 ☓ 10, 10, 10, 8

15, 15
45 ☓ 10
90 ☓ 8, 8

Strict press (clean first rep)
155 ☓ 10

Dumbbell curls
50s ☓ 3 ☓ 8


Did some pull-ups and holds on a crane last night outside a club. I was surprised at how many people thought this was impressive, although they were probably just trying to flatter. I had to jump kind of high while drunk to reach this.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Went on a fasted walk in the morning yesterday and then hit the punching bag for 10 minutes after work.

335 x 5
385 x 5
440 x 5

325 x 8, 9, 10

Band leg curls

Plank, reverse crunches

Weighed 207 the other day. I love being this light. Feels so different when striking on the bag. Only thing I hate is that my neck looks skinny.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Went on a run yesterday. Just one sprint up a hill and then about 30 minutes of jogging. Been pretty consistent with cardio.

Strict press
175 x 5
205 x 5
230 x 4, 3
Couldn't get the 5th, but definitely not unhappy with 4. Changed my belt to the smallest size I've ever adjusted it to. Waist is slim.

Landmine press
45+25 x 10
45+35 x 10
45+45 x 10, 10, 10
I thought these up on my own but they exist of course. Don't know what their established name is. I anchored the bar against a wall and pressed with each arm. Doing my best to simulate an incline machine after I saw Savickas post himswlf using one on instagram and giving it a lot of credit for his overhead power. I like them. My shoulders need a break from the boring but big set-up. My right shoulder is developing some pain when I barbell press overhead while my left has healed.

Lying dumbbell rows
125s x 10, 12, 12, 12

Meadows rows
Using the same 90 lb stack from the presses.

Neutral-grip pull-ups

Keg curls
160 x 20

Dumbbell flyes, curls

Monday, September 5, 2016


Mat pulls (8)
Up to 505 x 4
Doing these without a belt now.

SSB squats
200 x 3 x 15

Reverse crunches

Sunday, September 4, 2016


Bench press
152.5 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 5

185 x 10, 10, 10, 10

15, 15, 15
45 x 10, 10

Park press
50s x 18

Hammer curls
50s x 13

Friday, September 2, 2016


205 x 5
252.5 x 5
302.5 x 5

245 x 10, 10, 9

Reverse crunches

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Came home from work and took a nap, then went out to the yard and flung some limbs at the punching bag. 5 rounds, 2 minutes each. Nothing strict, just mixed it up with jabs, rights, 1-2s, turning sidekicks, and spinning heel kicks. Knees and elbows too.

After this I sprinted up my usual hill and jogged around at the top before walking awhile playing Pokémon Go.

Think I might have eaten too much for dinner within the confines of my diet. A steak, a little tabouli, tiny bit of wine, and zucchini and carrot fries with Sriracha mayonnaise. The fries, despite being low carb, really filled me up with the mayonnaise.