Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Bench press
215, 245 x 5
280 x 6
Super-set with T-bar rows
3 plates x 10, 10

50 x 10, 10, 10
Super-set with T-bar rows
4 plates x 10, 12
5 plates x 10, 10

Wide-grip Bench press
135 x 12
Super-set with wide-grip pull-ups x 10

Curls, band pull-aparts

Mediocre bench, but got a good pump. Running on 5 hours of sleep.
Front squats
300 x 3 x 5
* Now that I have some OK weight I'm going to settle in to a front squat routine of 3x5 twice a week.

One-legged RDLs
165 x 8, 8
190 x 8
* This is definitely a hamstring exercise I'm going to keep once I'm healed.

Leg raises

Did 3 hill sprints and a 10 minute jog later in the evening.