Yesterday evening after work:
Axle bench press
205, 235 x 3
265 x 6
Last set super-set with T-bar rows x 4 plates
Dumbbell press
125/100 x 7, 8, 6 -> drop-set to 50s x 12
Super-set with dumbbell rows of 125/100 x 8
Dumbbell skullcrushers
50/35 x 6 -> drop-set to 35s both hands x 4
Dumbbell curls
50/35 x 8, 8
Axle bench press
205, 235 x 3
265 x 6
Last set super-set with T-bar rows x 4 plates
Dumbbell press
125/100 x 7, 8, 6 -> drop-set to 50s x 12
Super-set with dumbbell rows of 125/100 x 8
Dumbbell skullcrushers
50/35 x 6 -> drop-set to 35s both hands x 4
Dumbbell curls
50/35 x 8, 8