Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Had an all-around great weekend. Starting with Friday night boxing, we worked the heavy bag for the entire hour. The annoying thing is space; there aren't enough standard bags for everyone so again I was on the uppercut bag, which made it impossible for me to throw body hooks when that was the drill. Threw uppercuts instead. Shoulders felt sore and it was actually a bit of a slog throwing punches in general, an opportunity to push through and throw hard shots anyway while pretending I was tired in a fight.


430 x 5
370 x 10

Single leg curls
4 plates x 10, 10

Ab work

Again, focusing on rep quality with a narrower stance and going below parallel. It's funny how even though my numbers have dropped, I FEEL more powerful from how much more my quads are working compared to having my hips play a greater role with a wider stance. It's an oddly more satisfying and fun way to squat.

I'm also not doing anything crazy; I don't have my heels touching each other or anything and it's a fairly standard width to squat with, but my stance was getting wider and wider once I started squatting in the 500s regularly so bringing it back in a little 

Tried using the ab wheel but that thing's going to have to be put aside until my elbow is back to normal due to the pain this inflicted. Did instead weighted decline crunches with a 50 lb kettlebell for 2 sets of 12 followed by a 1-minute plank.

Went to a small black metal show Saturday night, but because it was in a little dive bar, there was no moshing unfortunately. Had a big meal before leaving and then Greek food 


Paused bench press
300 x 3 x 3

Bench press
275 x 6 

Close-grip bench press
245 x 8
225 x 10

Bent-over dumbbell rows
125 x 3 x 8

Reverse hyper
2 plates x 2 x 12