Had a bit of a lousy squat day yesterday. The good news is I did my goal of a 325x5 lowbar squat. However, my upper spine was in more pain than usual and getting under the bar at 225+ required several attempts and psych-ups, which resulted in me being idle too long between sets. At one point doing assistance work with 275 I thought I heard a cracking sound but I was in no additional pain so I don't know if that was my imagination or just something totally benign akin to when people crack their knuckles or back.
I also came the closest to a catastrophe on the squat I've ever encountered. With the 325 on my back one of the patio pavers under my feet slid and my legs widened. Somehow I stopped it and was able to prevent myself from doing the splits, but barely. Kind of impressive I was able to stay balanced but if I had been squatting in the 400s or especially 500s this could have been bad. Will make sure to secure them from now on.
Enough mopiness. I slogged through and will attack again.
I also came the closest to a catastrophe on the squat I've ever encountered. With the 325 on my back one of the patio pavers under my feet slid and my legs widened. Somehow I stopped it and was able to prevent myself from doing the splits, but barely. Kind of impressive I was able to stay balanced but if I had been squatting in the 400s or especially 500s this could have been bad. Will make sure to secure them from now on.
Enough mopiness. I slogged through and will attack again.