Saturday, January 5, 2019

Mat pulls (9)
535 x 1, 5
Bringing these back. Need to be more mindful toward set-up. The first set the bar rolled off the mats after rep 1 due to the ground's slope. The second set it happened after rep 5 but at least I got some reps in.

Did one set of 330x5 box squats before tweaking my lower back on a second set. Called it a day there.
Went to Muay Thai yesterday evening expecting an open gym session so I could hit the bag but my old buddy Daniel was there. Said he was coming back because he works in the area but that he's been going to the UFC gym in Sunnyvale. I want to switch over. It's only $89 a month (vs $140 here) and they have BJJ, kickboxing, MMA, yoga, weights, and more.

We sparred the entire time using 3 minutes rounds with 1 minute rests. My hands are good and he remarked that he wasn't able to get through my defense. My kicks started off just OK, but as time went on they got sloppy again. I can't throw kicks fast while tired even if I can muster energy for everything else. I'm not gassing, we both kept an intense pace throughout the 45 minutes.