Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Back is still hurting two days later. I should do more direct ab work. Couldn't hurt.

My car is currently in the shop overnight. Mechanic says the transmission might be bad. Hopefully it doesn't come to that. In the meantime, he's going to change the fluid. Currently typing this up in a Lyft on the way home. Just going to rest and maybe use the massager tonight on my back. A night walk sounds really nice.

I have the desire to write about more personal going-ons in my life. I find myself looking at years past and wishing I'd jotted down more about particular events, especially regarding my surgery (although that was training related).
SSB squats
290 x 5
335 x 5
380 x 5
Tweaked my back on the third rep but still finished.

290 x 3 x 10

Leg curls