Monday, July 1, 2024

Went to boxing on Friday and my back was able to handle everything except ab work at the very end. Skipping rope and medicine ball burpees felt fine, although I made sure not to move ballistically on the burpees. Coach asked me if I can duck and roll and after starting slow I pretty had it down.

Unfortunately I left my Cerberus belt at the boxing gym. My next class is Wednesday but if I have time I'll swing by and grab it today. 

By the end of class my back felt great, but I still wasn't ready for large amounts of load-bearing like heavy squats. Luckily, the onboarding rep who was handling my trial week at the gym extended my access period until Monday when she found out I wasn't able to make use of it the past week. I was able to go on Saturday and had a fantastic machine session. Hit cable flyes, seated cable rows, preacher curls, leg press, and lying leg curls. Had a limp afterwards from pushing the leg curls. Went in the steam room afterwards, swam laps in the pool, and then the sauna before walking back home.

Sunday: 20 minute jog followed by untimed shadowboxing rounds.

Before work this morning I hit 20 burpees and 50 jumping-jacks. Going to cautiously squat 150 with the SSB today.

Back is more or less the same as the past few days: still painful with limited bending ability, but I can walk, get up, and turn over in bed efficiently. 

Decided to go to boxing tonight while letting the coach know about my state of things. Going to don my Cerberus soft lifting belt.