Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Have been wrecked the past two days from overzealous bodybuilding workouts for my upper-body and those Kroc rows. Took a lazy day off yesterday, just went for a walk at night.

Did mat pulls today, got up to 570x4 off 5 mats. 1 less than I wanted but 1 better than last week. Going to do some more things after work. 

Been drinking more caffeine before lower-body workouts in particular in an attempt to really up my headspace level for breaking the bar off the ground. Seems to be helping. Too much coffee makes me feel jittery, though. Especially problematic on squats. Thinking about switching to sugar-free Red Bull on deadlift days with a little coffee (I love the taste too much, especially with breakfast).

Also have to remember that these rest days can really make my back decline if I go for long periods of sitting or lying. More active-recovery on rest days.

Feeling numb and calloused about personal problems that have popped-up lately. I'm indestructible.