Thursday, April 16, 2015

Strict press
165 x 5
190 x 5
215 x 5

Weighted chin-ups
70 x 15, 15, 12, 12, 12
No weight: 20

Close-grip bench press
245 x 10, 10, 10, 10, 10

155 x 8, 10,


195 x 5
240 x 5
290 x 5
Strained my left lat badly. It feels similar to my neck tweaks, just much lower. Not as debilitating, just painful, especially when breathing.

SSB squats
220 x 3 x 8
Made lat much worse. Preferable to being weak.

Touch-and-go deadlifts
365 x 8
Wow, pretty fun. Doing these in preparation for the car lift at my meet.



Mat pulls (5)
495 x 3
SSB squats
240 x 3 x 5