Went to Muay Thai on Wednesday with George. Worked on the clinch and kneeing the body. Also got a refresher in posting, which I definitely need to use in sparring more for distance control. Coach held the mitts for me while I fired off some super fast combos at his command, although my brain still gets mixed up if too many numbers are given too fast.
Mat pulled only 535x1 off of 3 today. Did that both attempts. Still sore from squats and simply could not explode up the way I wanted to. Going to switch deadlift and squat days to avoid this problem. New challenge is I will now be squatting on the same day I spar which might result in leg cramps, so I will go a little easier on the assistance work after my main sets.
Have been doing some reverse leg-raises on a Swiss ball in imitation of a reverse-hyper and my back feels great today. Used some bands in an attempt to add resistance but it didn't make much of a difference. I'd have to get creative with the set-up if I want to really feel some weight on my heels.