Monday, May 3, 2021

Fallen behind on this, just going to start up again instead of trying to be perfect and wait for an opportune moment to have time and recollect everything. 

Mat pulls (2)
550 x 5
* Fuck yeah, felt sluggish this whole session and every rep of this was a slow one, but I remembered to use my legs and just keep grinding the bar up. The last rep took a long time to complete so I didn't bother trying to rest-pause and get another. Really glad at how consistent my performance has been on this mat pull cycle, no days where I've been unable to break the bar off the ground. Had a headache and watery eyes after, the tears were a new thing.

SSB ATG squats
240 x 8, 10, 10

Tibialis raises x random number
* Got this exercise from kneesovertoesguy for knee health. Still working on th set-up.

In other news, I put in an order for a Swiss bar and a buffalo (Yukon) bar, both from Titan. Looking forward to benching with the Swiss bar, for some reason that thing makes going back to a regular barbell feel amazing.