Tuesday, December 10, 2024

410 x 7
315 x 20

Reverse-hyper single leg curls
200 x 20

On Friday, I got set-up for belt squats a bit too deep in the hole and with my foot placement off. Straining to break the weight off the ground made my left hip angry. I was able to belt squat fine after an adjustment, but I've been feeling the hip pain a little since then. Squatting was a little uncomfortable so I stood a little more narrow than normal and kept a couple of reps left in the tank. Very happy my back is feeling better from last week and that it held out fine. 
 Stayed up very late on Saturday from hanging out with George until 3am watching Tomorrow Never Dies, Blood Omen 2 cutscenes, and playing Drakengard 3 (or what little of it we could until his controller issues became untenable). Didn't end up going to bed until 6am. Haven't done that in a very long time and it was a lot of fun. Blood Omen 2 had me dying, almost literally because laughing at it brought out the worst of my cough. I need to beat that one of these days; it's been 20 years since I played it on Gamecube.

Got set-up to squat the next day, not knowing if I was going to go through with it or not, and ended up cleaning the gym and garage. Practiced boxing instead: 1 round, 4 minutes of shadowboxing with 3 lb hand weights and 1 round, 4 minutes of heavy bag work. Went on a 45-minute walk afterwards.