Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Did 39 push-ups in Muay Thai yesterday (was going until the timer ran out although I was getting pretty tired; never been good at push-ups).

Bench press
235 x 3
265 x 3
300 x 4
235 x 12
Super-set with barbell rows
3 plates x 12
4 plates x 10

Iron Woody band press
10, 10, 12, 15
Super-set with barbell rows
4 plates x 10, 10, 10

Slow pull-ups x 8

Band pull-aparts x 10

Keg curls
160 x 8, 9

Band curls
A previous version of my blogger app has been continuously erasing posts I type into it, hence the week-long hiatus. Installed a different version that I hope doesn't have the same issue.

I did my front squat workout yesterday and then went to Muay Thai. Too much to report that's not fresh my head anymore.