Blogger app ate up a long and detailed entry for my bench press workout. Quick rundown is I front-squatted 300x6 on Monday and benched 310x3 on Tuesday.
Went to Muay Thai yesterday. Class size was bigger than normal. Partnered up with someone who smelled really bad with Thai pads. Did a really simple combo of 1, right kick, 1-2, left switch kick. When I was holding, this guy would suddenly stop after awhile and look down. Confused, I asked, "Need a break?" No answer, just looking down. I thought he didn't hear me so I asked louder, "Taking a break?" Still no answer. I actually find it annoying if my training partner is too quiet during training and doesn't provide me feedback or doesn't acknowledge feedback I give them, but this was another level. Weird. Happened 4 or 5 times, too.