Friday, August 19, 2022

Yukon squats
430 x 5, 5, 5
* This was hard, especially the final rep. Thought hard about whether to continue after the first due to pain in my right upper leg/hip area, which has been bugging me for awhile when I sit for extended periods or squat heavy. Felt worse today. So I'm happy I conquered this after getting sets of 3 last week. I think I've ridden this out as long as I safely can making no changes on linear progression while on the calorie restriction that I am. 

Bench press
295 x 3, 4, 2
275x5, 225x5, 185x5, 135x8 drop set
Super-set with dumbbell rows x 115s x 10

Keg curls, facepulls, lat raises, keg runs
* Just went into a feral frenzy here and on the bench drop sets. It started off with my guest coming over and unexpectedly showing up in my training area. Goofing off, I started making Arnold grunts and impressions, which actually hyped me up to push super fiercely. 

Cheat day today. Time to eat.