Day 2 of working from home. Doing this for my new job and then going to the office for the old one at 4:30. I can train while at home working.
Up to 485 x 5
Drop-set down to 405 x 5
315 x 8
225 x 8
135 x 10
45 x 10
Knees hurt a little but I got through everything.
Glad my squat hasn't seen any declines, unlike my pressing. I don't need to be straight bar squatting right now with no date for my powerlifting meet in sight, but I'd like to keep ready and since I'm on a roll with getting comfortable past 500 I don't want to let-up and switch to the SSB just yet.
Now that I'm working from home I'm going to reduce my edible intake since I don't need to cram in coffee-fueled lifting and prepping for the day in a 2-3 hour window at night anymore. No pressing need to take something that will knock my ass out through the caffeine and nighttime training stimulation. So I'll be cutting that out from every night to just once or twice a week as a treat.