Axle push-press
160 x 5
185 x 5
210 x 4, 5
Super-set with wide-grip pull-ups
8, 10, 16
Got called into second job early so left it at here. Happy I was able to get that second attempt of 210x5.
Something to note, the last 2 weeks I've cut the nightly frequency of my edible usage significantly down and I've noticed my sleep quality has risen because of it. Seems like the regularity of doing it makes the difference, not an amount on any one night. In other words, taking the amount I did (usually half a pomegranate juice gummy) on a regular basis causes the fatiguing effect, but taking a full gummy or two once or twice a week does not.
Unrelated but my finances are in a healthy-enough spot that I can sign-up for Muay Thai again. That free session at AKA was a good one, and it's the only place I've found that has a Muay Thai technique class that late so I can hit it up after work (only other option is a kickboxing cardio class at a gym closer to my place, which isn't what I'm looking for).