Thursday, May 17, 2018

Really good Muay Thai session last night. Kicks have been on-point this week. Haven't hurt my feet at all. Did jam my thumb throwing a right on the Thai pads. Shows that I'm punching hard with that arm at least. Stretching has been helping my left kick. Tight hips have been an issue. Learned to slow down pad work and reset my stance between combos. Got a better cardio workout than Monday, did more things in general.

Went through (another) break-up after that. Things look to be over for good this time. Particularly rough after having spent 4 days including the weekend traveling together. Sad but it's also time to move on. Feeling numb and not too stressed, but that's likely to change in the coming days.

Work dinner tonight at a Mexican restaurant. Will drink tequila and some beer. Coming home early because it's a work night.