Monday, May 29, 2023

Sumo deadlifts
Work-up to 505 x 1, 2
2 sets of 10 and then 12 shrugs at the top

Dumbbell RDLs
125s x 15 with shrug at top of each rep

SSB front squats
240 x 12
Super-set with SSB squats
240 x 10
* Absolutely awful. Lied to myself and said let's just get 5 of the back squats because my legs felt dead, and then gutted out 5 more. 

My back was in a little pain today from the office chair at work. After moving around and doing some kettlebell swings and light reverse hypers it felt great and ready for deadlifts. Very curious how it's going to feel waking up tomorrow. Muscle soreness or the bad kind of pain?