Friday, May 31, 2024

Axle clean once and press
110 x 10
130 x 10
150 x 7

Giant sets:
Behind-the-neck press: 110 x 2 x 10
Facepulls: 2 x 10
Dumbbell skullcrushers with Fat Gripz: 35s x 2 x 9
Dumbbell hammer curls with Fat Gripz: 50s x 12, 15

Sandbag squats: 200 x 10

15-min jog

Was feeling rundown and initially was going to just do cardio, but decided it'd fare my body well to move some weight. Actually, it was more like "I'll just go outside and set-up for another day while doing some reverse-hypers for my back" and, as usual, lying to myself to get me out the door snowballed into weightlifting once I saw all the iron in front of me.

On the set of pressing I stopped before my shoulders began to struggle. Taking care to keep them feeling healthy with all the work they get at the boxing gym. 

Stretched before bed by lying on my back and widening my legs up against a wall.

It saddens me to say this due to Dad passing, but since the garage is no longer a smoke den, it would make sense to create an indoor gym for the preservation of equipment. I'll be doing that gradually. The corner and desk where he sat at will remain untouched as a tribute and memorial. 
Hard to believe it's been a week since we laid Dad to rest. I'll never forget how surreal it was to have his old friend Mo come over. Just a couple weeks prior, Dad was laying on the same couch Mo sat on.
I've still been saying "Hi Dad" and "Bye Dad" or "Goodnight Dad" per routine. I left his bedroom light on the other night and forgot to turn it off, so I did after waking up to use the bathroom.

Then at 3am, the bathroom mirror fell and shattered everywhere. Huge mess. I cleaned it up yesterday evening. Sometime around that occurring, I had a dream that his bedroom light had turned back on by itself. The night before this, I saw him in a dream, but my alarm woke me up, which I was pissed about.

Unfortunately, the memorial park closes at 7 so I can't visit inside after boxing like I planned, but he's close enough to the entrance that I was able to be close to him Wednesday evening after class