I've been a little sick and rather nauseous, so I resisted the urge to lift on Thursday and Friday and just relaxed.
Incline bench press
205 x 7, 8, 7, 6
Lying dumbbell rows
115s x 8, 9, 9, 9
Incline dumbbell press
80s x 2 x 10
Super-set with lying lat flyers
35s x 2 x 10
Incline skullcrushers
50s x 7, 7
Super-set with alternating side curls
50s x 2 x 16
Seeing significant gains on incline bench. Was aiming for 6 reps across the board, with 5 as an acceptable fallback since I'm sick. Bar felt very light in my hands, but by set 4 fatigue finally set in.
505 x 5
Romanian deadlifts
315 x 2 x 8
Single dumbbell split squats
100 x 3 x 10
Russian twists
35 x 30
Weighted decline twist crunches
50 x 10, 15
Went out to a pumpkin patch afterwards and had an awesome end to my weekend there. Shot mini pumpkins out of a rocket launcher and had an overpriced but delicious burger from a BBQ stand.