Entry #631
I have extreme soreness in my triceps, probably from placing more emphasis on endurance work than DE. It was so bad on my first set that I thought I might have tore it.
RE upper
Incline dumbbell press:
2 x 20 30, 50 lb. dumbbells
1 x 17 75 lb. dumbbells
1 x 8 75 dumbbells
1 x 5 75 dumbbells
> 50 second rest times.
Tate press:
4 x 8 55 lb. dumbbells
Weighted chin-ups:
3 x 8 45 lbs.
1 x 7 45 lbs.
Hammer curls:
1 x 12 55 lb. dumbbells
1 x 10 55 lb. dumbbells
1 x 10 55 lb. dumbbells
Hise shrugs:
3 x 10 275 lbs.