Thursday, December 26, 2013

300 x 5
350 x 5
400 x 10
• Very excited about this.

417 x 5
• Doing linear progression back up. I need a long period of retraining my CNS to power the weight up.

SSB squats:
322 x 10, 10, 8
• Tweaked my back on the final rep, which was the amount I was going to do anyway, coincidentally. My back has been feeling much better lately, though. Just gotta keep it up and bring in yoga again.

Neck work

Glute-ham raises:

RIP my Xperia Play, as much of a crappy phone it turned out to be. One more week until I can get a new one. In the meantime, I've had to make do with my old broken Droid as a music player.
Hiked with the gf for Christmas, keeping in tradition with what I used to do with George back in CA.

Afterwards, went and saw 47 Ronin, which was goofy as hell but had good moments. Defragging Terminator scum in the arcade afterward made it all positively merry.