Saturday, March 19, 2022

160 x 3
185 x 3
205 x 3
155 x 8, 8

Incline bench press
185 x 9, 8
155 x 9

All non-workup sets strict super-set with pull-ups x 10

Swiss bar curls
Bar x 25

Supposed to be going to San Francisco today to celebrate Persian New Year with friends but woke up at 6:00 a.m. due to internal clock and feeling a little sleepy running on 6 hours of sleep. Going to try to catch a nap if I can before leaving.

Happened to notice while randomly checking NorCal Powerlifting's Facebook page that my competition from over 2 years ago has been scheduled this May. Been receiving email notifications about every cancellation but nothing about this update. If I want to make 198 I have less than a month and a half to lose roughly 10 lbs.

With a combination of a more aggressive dietary transition than normal, the fact that I've been holding water weight, and yeah doing the shitty dehydration methods if need be the day of the weigh-in, I think I can make this work, challenging as it may be. If it's not ideal, oh well.