Went on a 45-minute run Wednesday.
Attended Muay Thai yesterday and had a great session. Took turns holding the pads and stringing together combos mixed with both catching and parrying the opponent's push-kick. Worked with an experienced competitor, Jose. After many rounds of him holding he commented, "You're a powerlifter, right? I can tell since you never get tired." To his immense, I was wearing a red EliteFTS shirt that said "POWERLIFTING". "I've been with guys lately who just get tired from holding pads!" Really cool compliment from someone who competes. Of course with how hard I was throwing things were no picnic but at a certain point of conditioning level you can sustain performance while feeling the strain. (for me my shoulders were getting tired).
Today I deadlifted up to 445x3 and did box squats up to 330x3x5 before work.