After dropping off our chosen resting clothes for Dad at the funeral home yesterday, I came home and unpacked a new laptop that had arrived and then hustled off to boxing. I ended up being the odd man out with no partner, which I became really disappointed with once I heard we would be doing light sparring, but the coach grabbed me to do mitt work and 1-on-1 coach time which is also invaluable. One of the guys there commented between rounds that my right hand sounded like a gunshot. Ended with bag work and then abs.
Unfortunately, I woke-up with both back and elbow pain. I made a point to try and not strain my back during the ab circuit, but it seems like the effort wasn't enough. Nothing major, just feels like a few steps backward after making some progress on both fronts. It would be worth using the reverse-hyper after working abs and seeing if that makes a difference, just as I've been pairing it with squats and deadlifts. For the elbow, I should use the Flexbar rehab tool I have more and make sure I sleep with my elbow sleeve (not my powerlifting one, this is a Venum cloth sleeve) without exception.
Got the idea to end my log entries with a quote during these hard times.
Quote of the day: "You have been baptized in fire and blood and have come out steel.” -General Scott at Chapultepec [taken from General Patton's diary War As I Knew It]