Thursday, October 15, 2020

 Went on a fasted run for 30 minutes after waking up yesterday, then did about an 8-minute heavy bag round followed by some shadowkickboxing in the evening. Today I woke up early 1.5 hours before my alarm and did 20 minutes of shadowkickboxing circuited with the exercise bike before breakfast.

Tried to weigh myself in the morning but my scale is wack. On a given day it'll alternate between showing me around 208 or 215. Today it was the latter before it died and refused to turn back on. Definitely needs new batteries.

Actually had a dream that my meet was today and I had no idea how I was going to lose so much weight within a day. I should be able to make it with exactly one month to go but this is definitely the most pressured I've ever felt to make weight for something. I'm thinking now a better tactic is to start undersized and gain weight into a meet.