Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Swiss bar benched 290x3 the other day. I'm getting better with this thing. Also found that my pecs really felt it using the narrow grip on it, very hard to balance and I had to reduce the weight down to 185 to get a decent amount of reps in.

Mat pulls (6)
565 x 6 
Was hoping for a better showing, and tbh I got a little lost on the count and am only 90% sure that was 6 and not 5. Right forearm is hurting from this too, in the future do NOT double overhand the 405 when working up just because I can. Gripping that started the pain. Still, this is considerable weight being moved and I no longer have any days that my body refuses to budge the bar at all.

Called it here to get ready for my second work, will be back in the evening.