Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Have a bunch of posts on the back-log to post.

Strict press
167.5 x 5
195 x 5
217.5 x 3, 5
Was really frustrated about that 3 and channeled the anger into a not-too-difficult 5. Been a pattern with my press lately.

175 x 10, 10

Bradford press
135 x 6

Behind-the-neck press
135 x 8, 9

Less emphasis on going ball-busting heavy in favour of getting the rear delts to work more. Gonna try this out and see if that improves my left shoulder and being able to bench.

Lying dumbbell rows
125s x 10, 10, 10, 12 ,12, 12

Wide-grip push-ups, face-pulls, curls

The next day and my upper-back and posterior delts are sore. Good sign.

SSB squats
Up to 275 x 5

225 x 3 x 10

Mat pulls (5)
Up to 500 x 3

SSB squats
150 x 25, 20, 20

Bench press
Up to 225 x 5
Slight shoulder pain. 295 really wasn't good for me last cycle.

Close-grip bench press
155 x 5 x 10

15, 13, 13, 13, 13

Keg curls
160 x 15