Thursday, February 4, 2021

Typing from job #2 again. Had a lot of downtime today at job #1 and the office to myself. Did a bunch of stretching and then practice some Muay Thai kicks. Actually had slim-fitting sweatpants under my jeans because the mornings are cold and it makes my knee feel better so I took my pants off and was able to high kick more comfortably. Also watched Kengan Ashura and am getting far into season 2. There's a taco truck in front of the properties, they absolutely load them. For $3 I got a plate filled with ingredients.

Should be working from home for most of my days starting next week.

Night training after an 11-hour shift yesterday.

Bench press
280 x 7, 8, 7 (last set immediately super-set with 50 lb dumbbell press x 13)
Super-set with dumbbell rows
100 x 8
125 x 8, 10, 10

Dumbbell press
50 x 15


Pretty disappointing bench press numbers. Can't blame it on work, been eating and sleeping real good. Was the first time in a bit that I forgot to use elbow sleeves. I put a good effort in across a number of heavy sets though.