Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Went on a birthday trip over the weekend to wine country that lasted until Monday. I brought with me an entire case of Orgain protein shakes, two cans of tuna, a bag of pistachios, two RX bars, and a Quest bar. Didn't make use of the tuna or RX bars but I damn near finished the entire case of Orgain. Ate out at a lot of good restaurants. Carbs were extremely high and I'm in one of those phases now where my body just feels like eating entirely "clean" for the moment. On the last day I did some swimming and also went on a short hike.

Feeling a little sick now, and also nauseous in the morning.

Yesterday I went out to log press and just ate shit. My left radius bone has been hurting from this movement and it finally reached a point where I had to call it quits. Managed to get a rep of 210 despite the pain, then dropped the log mid-roll on the second because all of a sudden my back hurt. Came back at night and just did an axle press session of 205x3 (exactly what I expected I could get after wrestling with the log and feeling sick), then 3x8 of 155 super-set with pull-ups and chin-ups.

Back to the log, when I came in I sat-down with lunch and watched some log press tutorials from Kalle and one other channel. I was pretty arrogant to think I had it all down just because I did it once before in competition. I was probably able to get away with uneducated form doing it once, but repeated training with this thing calls for more attention.