Monday, April 24, 2023

Reverse-grip block press
275 x 5 x 8
Super-set with dumbbell rows
125s x 5 x 10

Crazy bells
145 x 3 x 15
Super-set with band pull-aparts x 3 x 20

7 deep dips

Getting bigger and stronger every week. Elbow feels like it's ever so slowly improving. No more pain in the morning if I wear my Venom compression sleeve, but there's discomfort if I pick something up from the wrong grip or angle. Stubborn but that's ok, I'm more stubborn.
Was able to successfully squat pain-free on Friday. Hit 320 for 22 reps and stopped it there. 

Had a fantastic weekend in San Francisco visiting a friend and just living life, something I felt has been lacking the past few weeks. Ate a ton of food, including pizza for breakfast and a Chinese feast in Chinatown.

And, of course, always gotta get a Bruce Lee picture of one of the murals when I'm in Chinatown. Awful fact: this is near the Italian section, Little Italy, and the spot we were standing in outside of a club we paused at as we contemplated dinner options was the site of a mass shooting just a couple of hours later. It was surreal seeing it on the news.

On a more fun note, a group of teenagers complimented my buddy's fit and one of them exclaimed "Look at his arms! You a bodybuilder!"