Ran three hill sprints yesterday, followed by a jog.
Today I attempted to floor press off of 9 mats so I could get some heavy pressing in. No way. Trying to break 135 from a dead stop was impossible with my shoulder. Did what I could the rest of the session. If my upper body can't get stronger, I'll at least make it bigger.
Incline bench
185 x 5, 10, 10
135 x 15, 12, 15
10, 10
45 x 10, 10
90 x 8, 8
Dumbbell skullcrushers
50s x 7
Kettlebell skullcrushers
50 x 13, 10
Keg curls
160 x 15
Band tricep pressdowns
Band curls
Bilateral dumbbell pause curls
50s x 10, 10
Today I attempted to floor press off of 9 mats so I could get some heavy pressing in. No way. Trying to break 135 from a dead stop was impossible with my shoulder. Did what I could the rest of the session. If my upper body can't get stronger, I'll at least make it bigger.
Incline bench
185 x 5, 10, 10
135 x 15, 12, 15
10, 10
45 x 10, 10
90 x 8, 8
Dumbbell skullcrushers
50s x 7
Kettlebell skullcrushers
50 x 13, 10
Keg curls
160 x 15
Band tricep pressdowns
Band curls
Bilateral dumbbell pause curls
50s x 10, 10