Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Yukon squats 
395 x 5, 5, 5

Bench press
277.5 x 5, 5, 5
Super-set with dumbbell rows
115s x 8, 8, 8

Close-grip bench press
225 x 10, 6 then immediately do 10 Close-grip push-ups 

Keg curls, facepulls

Back was feeling better and then started hurting after squats. Have been doing band reverse hypers the last two nights. I need to enforce doing some kind of rehab exercise in the middle of the day too, not just at night. Spread the healing throughout the day.

Spent a lot this month but I'm still eyeing that reverse hyper. Soooon... 

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Belt squats
8 plates x 10, 10
9 plates x 8
First two sets giant set with SSB lunges and good mornings, last set super-set with good mornings 
10/10, 10/10

Incline Swiss bar bench with Fat Gripz
165 x 8, 10, 8
Super-set with Meadows rows
115 x 8, 10, 10
* Cut the rests to 2 minutes.

12, 20
Dumbbell preacher curls
35s x 10, 10

Standing ab wheel rollouts


Thursday, June 16, 2022

Axle clean and press
150 x 5, 5, 8 (clean each rep for 5s, last set clean first 5 and press away the rest)
Super-set with wide pull-ups
3 x 10

Iron Woody band pressdowns x 2 sets (uncounted, just went for a pump)

465 x 5
* Weight gets 10 lbs heavier and feels 10 lbs lighter each week. Am really getting my confidence back in the deadlift. No missed reps is the way to train this lift.

Landmine SLDLs
One side of 465 x 10, 10

Leg raises 

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Woke-up at 6:30 today and did 8 minutes of the exercise bike, 40 burpees, and some shadow kickboxing, then took a contrast shower (I never shower before work). It started off freezing and after a minute or two of controlled breathing I was fiddling with the control valve trying to make the shower colder, but it was already as low as it could go. Good way to start the day.

Back has been feeling better overall. Supple Leopard gave me some good tips for posture to counter APT syndrome, and I'll be diving into Bach Mechanic by Stuart McGill again this week.

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Yukon squats
390 x 5, 5, 5

Bench press
270 x 5, 5, 5
Super-set with bilateral dumbbell rows
115s x 8, 8, 8

Band-resisted incline dumbbell press
50s x 12, 9
Super-set with keg curls
10, 8

5 minutes exercise bike

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Yukon squats
385 x 5, 5, 5

Bent-over dumbbell rows
100 x 8

Bench press 
267.5 x 5, 5, 5
Super-set with bilateral dumbbell rows
115s x 8, 8, 8

Iron Woody band pressdowns 
15, 15
Super-set with bilateral dumbbell curls
50s x 10
35s x 10

5 minutes exercise bike

Saturday, June 4, 2022

Belt squats
Work up to 8 plates x 10, 10, 10

Incline Swiss bar bench with Fat Gripz
165 x 8, 9, 8
Super-set with Meadows rows
115 x 8, 9, 8

11, 10
Super-set with dumbbell preacher curls
35s x 9, 8

Finished in an hour. 

My back is feeling much better. I'm pretty much without pain now. The only niggling factor is that weird disjointed sensation when I bend backwards. I wish I had an exact time when that started but it might have been from pushing my body at the deadlift part of my meet. It's definitely preventing me from maxing out on deadlift singles for awhile.

That's fine, there are so many more ways I can progress and let my body heal in the meantime. And while I won't be surprised if it's something serious down the road, I've also had gnarly sensations before that heal on their own, like that intense nerve pain on my shoulder blades from high bar squatting. That lasted about a year before going away thanks to discovering low bar squats. 

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Axle press 
Work up to 150 x 5 (clean first 3 reps), 5 (clean all reps), 5 (clean all reps)
Super-set with wide-grip pull-ups (unincluded work-up sets paired with first 2 sets)
8, 10, 10, 10, 10
* Had the idea to just combine the clean and pressing instead of keeping them as separated lifts. This is a good way to keep this press day fairly light without feeling like I'm doing nothing with low weight and reps. 

Clean and press away
135 x 10
Super-set with wide pull-ups
* Saw the deadlift bar I was setting up and just couldn't resist.

405 x 5
435 x 5
* At first I couldn't break 405 because of how gunshy I was from feeling the pebble sensation in my spine. Took a short walk and came back to it, then hit 435 and my back felt much better. 

Iron Woody leg curls
30 each leg

Another good feeling day.

Foe my back, I'm researching firmer mattresses and due to how I've been feeling the past few days I'm going to either bring in the cheap spring mattress again or flip my memory foam upside down for its firmer side. Neither of those seem to make a big difference, at least immediately, but they didn't feel any worse and my current level of bed softness made my back feel worse last night. 

I'm also looking to get health insurance for the first time in forever to get my back checked out (not the first time I've written that in here, lol) and I'm just about ready to pull the trigger on the reverse hyper scout. I figure if I ever upgrade to the heavy duty model I could definitely use the foldable one in my living room.

I'm also reading the book Supple Leopard, and I pulled out my old copy of Low Back Disorders by Dr Stewart McGill.

But wait, there's more. I ordered McGill's newer books, Back Mechanic (which arrived today), and the one I'm really looking forward to that pertains specifically to powerlifters, Gift of Injury.