Friday, January 4, 2019

Am sick. Eked out a single of 450 on SSB squats few days ago, didn't have 3 in me.

Bench press
225, 255, 270 x 3
225 x 12
Switch to the normal bar over the axle in preparation for a powerlifting meet I have my eye on this April. Accidentally used my third week work up weights for the first two sets, oh well.

Dumbbell press
115(L)/100(R) x 7, 8

All presses super-set with bilateral dumbbell rows (115R, 100L)

Curls, facepulls
New year, new goals. I have my sights set on a powerlifting meet April 14.  I will be shifting over to barbell work from SSB squats and axle pressing. Muay Thai training will continue; I've been able to continue progressing while still engaging in it if I lessen the volume and eat more.Weight class will be 198.

NYE was very fun partying at Death Guild in San Francisco. I prepared well for spending the night at a friend's house by bringing 4 protein shakes and some frozen food from Trader Joe's. However, I left my bag at ANOTHER friend's who left the venue early and when we got back to his house it was locked and he was dead asleep. Went to sleep with no shake, although I had two big slices of pizza at the end of the night and my food was in the freezer for breakfast the next day.