Giant sets:
Incline axle bench: 160 x 8, 10, 15
Dips: 3 x 10
Chin-ups: 3 x 10
Tricep pressdowns: 25, 20
Hammer curls: 50s x 10, 10, 12
Single leg reverse-hyper leg extensions: 290 x 2 x 25
Single leg leg curls: 290 x 15
1 round of the wrist-roller for elbow rehab
Was feeling beat-up from deadlifts and dips were putting a lot of pressure on the sore collarbone. Nixed my plans to do them weighted and brought in light incline benching with no rest times except before the last set.
I've been having a week of good, deep sleep until last night, when I kept waking up to use the restroom for some reason. I always use that as an opportunity to drink some protein or pop a ZMA capsule. My cat, who usually sleeps at the foot of the bed or on his perch, has been coming up to sleep on my pillow or in my arm lately, but he's quiet and usually doesn't wake me.
Collarbone still hurts but is less tender and I feel like I'll be fine throwing hard right hands in boxing tonight.