Went out to dinner with coworkers on Friday and devoured crayfish, shrimp, and lobster.
Log clean and press
190 x 3 x 5
Super-set with pull-ups: 3 x 10
Arnold press
80s x 3 x 8
Super-set with wide pull-ups: 3 x 10
Was sleepy from going to bed late and the first 2 sets of log press moved slow. Got focused and tight and the third set was by far the best.
Also finished watching Riddick (the last movie) Saturday night. It kicked ass. The second is still my favorite due to how over-the-top it is, but this one was a fine homage to Pitch Black. Now I need to somehow get the games on my Steam Deck...
Mat pulls (stack of 8 mats)
535 x 5
Sandbag squats
200 x 3 x 10
200 x 2 x 10
290 x 10
Back was a little achey afterwards from doing heavy pulls and sandbag handling the day after log cleans, but nothing alarming.
Went on a hike at Russian Ridge afterwards. Saw lots of deer and I think my first California newt ever, a real big one. While heading back, the fog rolled in and made for some incredible scenes, especially when we spotted deer in the mist.