Thursday, October 1, 2020

 Had a pretty enlightening day yesterday. Did my mat pull work-up sets and everything felt light until I jumped from 500 to 575 (off 2 mats) and just had nothing in me to move it. Tried twice to no avail, then moved back down to 500 and repped an easy 6 with a controlled eccentric (not intentional, I don't know why but my hamstrings are sore from it so cool). Moved back up to 575 and did a single rep without much issue. On those last two successful sets I felt like I had little pop and just had to human crane the weight up. I'm wondering if eating closer to a deadlift workout will make a big difference in my performance consistency. 

Did belt squats after and then headed to work. 

20 minute jog in the evening. Also been using my new Thai bag on my elevated punching bag stand. This bag is huge, I love it. So novel to be able to low kick like this at home.